There are a number of sites with information about gears and gear cutting and several useful books on the subject. You might like to have a look at these as well as the other stuff listed below.
Books on Amazon:
- Hobber Patterns
- I don't know who this is but he appears to be making a Jacobs style Gear hobber from home made castings. there are just a couple of pictures of the castings here.
- Anodizing
- If you make aluminium gears, you might want them to look good. This site is, perhaps, the best for telling you about anodizing your parts.
- Ash Gear & Supply
- Claim to the the World's largest stocking distributor of gear tools. Have a look and see for yourself.
- Bevel Gear Cutting Page
- David Lehrian describes how he cuts bevel gears on his Sherline mill for RC truck differentials.
- John stevenson's excellent guide to making involute cutters by the button method and way to make proper form-relieved cutters.
- Duncanamps
- Duncan Munro has a very good page showing the derivation of the circular approximation to the involute and is building a version of the Jacobs gear hobber described in Model engineer in 1976
- Lost Wax Casting Primer Second Edition
- If you fancy casting some gears for that more rustic look found in old farm machinery, you might want to have a look here.
- Reg Ingold
- Here are some tips and ideas for single point cutting of gears.
- Andy Newman
- Has a page with information about how he has cut some replacement drive gears for his RC truck.
- Watch Gears
- If you want a bit more of a challenge have a look at this informative page about cutting wheels and pinions for watches.